Ace (v1.3.3) is a lightweight, feature-rich and easy to use admin template based onBootstrap 3.3.1
The initial release (v1) comes with the following features:
- 4 Different theme colors
- Responsive design
- Documentation
- HTML pages including:
- Dashboard with stats, charts and recent events
- UI elements
- Buttons
- Treeview
- Form elements
- Wysiwyg editor
- Wizard
- Customizable widgets
- Image gallery
- Pricing tables
- Invoice
- Inbox
- Timeline
- User profile
- Login, register and forgot password
- Error 404 and error 500 pages
- And a few other
- Custom elements and plugins including:
- Pure CSS3 checkbox, radio and On/Off switch elements (not available in IE8)
- File input control
- Simple color picker
- Custom scrollbars
- Onpage help to provide better help for users
- Bootstrap, jQuery UI and third party plugins and elements including:
- jQuery
- jQuery UI (Custom Build)
- Twitter Bootstrap
- FontAwesome
- Google "Open Sans" Font
- jQuery Flot Charts
- jQuery Sparklines
- Easy Pie Chart
- jQuery Knob
- jQuery Validate
- FuelUX (Spinner & Wizard & Treeview)
- FullCalendar
- jQuery ColorBox
- jQuery dataTables
- jQuery Chosen
- jQuery Masked Input
- jQuery Input Limiter
- jQuery AutoSize
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Bootstrap Datepicker
- Bootstrap Timepicker
- Bootstrap DateRange Picker
- Bootstrap Date-Time Picker
- Bootbox.js
- jQuery Gritter
- jQuery slimScroll
- Spin.js
- jQuery UI Touch Punch
- Google Code Prettify
- ExplorerCanvas
- Mindmup Wysiwyg Editor
- Toopay Markdown Editor
- X-editable
- Select2
- Bootstrap Tags
- jQuery Mobile (Custom Build)
- jqGrid
- Dropzone.js
- Nestable lists plugin
- typeahead.js
- Dual listbox
- Multiselect
- jQuery raty
The following is on to-do list and will be added to Ace in next updates:
- New features & elements such as :
- Wysiwyg editor (now available)
- Treeview (now available)
- Timeline (now available)
- Search results
- Tables with details
- FAQ page (now available)
- User profile (now available)
- Inline editable data (now available)
- File upload and management
- Email template (now available)
- Inbox & messages (now available)
- Misc. page templates
- Cookie support for saving client-side customizations (now available)
- RTL Support (now available)
- Adding LESS files as well as Javascript client-side template files such as Mustache. (now available)
Please note that support is provided via email as mentioned in the documentation page.
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